It was really exciting to see so many people at the September PBCA Board Meeting. The room was so full that latecomers had to set up extra chairs! Hopefully this community involvement will continue at the next meeting, October 4.
Applause greeted the board announcement that Suzanne Black Griffith will fill the board position left empty by the resignation of Board President Casey Porter. Suzanne, who grew up in Portuguese Bend, is now an attorney, and she and her husband, Mike, live in what used to be her parents' home. The board announced that Suzanne's first task will be to review the revised CC&Rs and the By-laws and make sure that all comments submitted by residents are either included or give reasons why they were excluded.
The remainder of the meeting was filled with a good deal of discussion about the general appearance of the Bend, kicked off by Jeanne Smolley's question as to whether there were different enforcement policies for the East and West Sides of the area. Tim Kelly, who appears to be serving as the new Board president, said that it was his understanding that the rules were enforced more loosely on the East Side because of the unique problems of land movement faced by residents living there.
Continued discussion of related issues throughout the evening seemed to reveal that many residents, including those on the East side, would like to see the regulations enforced equally throughout the Bend.
Long time resident Betty Strauss said, "We're not here to be critical but there are issues" and she asked how residents could work together with the board to solve them. That eventually led to formation of a Safety and Security Committee, which Mike Griffith volunteered to chair. Primary concerns at this point seem to be gate maintenance, possible remodeling of the Narcissa gate, and fire prevention. Residents who are interested in serving on this committee should contact Mike.
Several questions were raised about specific properties on the East Side. Board members reported that one owner has purchased a chipper and is at work removing a large amount of accumulated foliage on his properties. Additionally, it was reported that the eight containers stored at the end of Peppertree would be gone by the end of the week. (As of two days ago, three remained.)
Board member Mike Cooper said that the piles of dirt and ground up asphalt stored at the end of Peppertree, and at Pony Club, will be gone when the road work, including work on Limetree, is finished. He noted that the large equipment stored at Pony Club belongs to the contractor doing the road work throughout Portuguese Bend. A discussion between board members and a Limetree property owner about how to widen the end of the street did not reach a mutually agreeable conclusion.
In response to concerns about a coming onslaught of tumbleweed, Pat Burt reminded everyone that property owners are responsible for maintaining their own property, including pulling out tumbleweed, keep trees trimmed and property looking attractive.
As to enforcement of architectural standards throughout the community, it was suggested that two people be added to the architectural committee to deal specifically with this issue. No one volunteered for that job. Anyone interested in taking on that task probably should contact a Board member. Betty Strauss asked just what enforcement capabilities were available to the Board. The response: the Board can send letters asking for compliance with architectural standards within a certain time frame. Failure to comply can result in a fine. Finally, the Board can put a lien on the house for the amount of the fine, which would be paid upon sale of the house.
A property owner who bought an East Side lot 15 years ago said that he wants to grow plants on his property and has discovered that a driveway that formerly existed has vanished and access is now blocked by a water line. He was advised to contact the water company. He also said he wanted to put a small building on his lot to store his gardening equipment. He was informed that this was a violation of the architectural code.
Bob Halderman asked about a community garage sale and the Board agreed to schedule it for October 23. No chairman was named.