Thursday, June 10, 2010

If You Want To Know Where We Are....

....just click here for a wonderful overview of Portuguese Bend on Google Earth's 3D maps. (Click "large view" on the bottom of the image for a slightly bigger image.)

Use the little slider with the plus and minus signs, on the left side of the map, to zoom in and find your house and everything else in the area. You can also click your mouse on the map and drag it around to see a different nearby area.


  1. This is an excellent way to view York's property and the extensive road work and grading he has done on his property surrounding us,I have ariel photos taken during the litigation against York and the difference is amazing. According to our Judgement against York in July 2001 PBCA can collect maintenance costs for York's use of our roads under Civil Code Section 845(c). Right now he is using our roads for free! These maps are approximately 2 1/2 years old, I can date them by vehicles I no longer have. Interesting tool for the City of RPV to use for non permitted building. Feel free to post this comment.

    Claudia Gutierrez

  2. I use Goodle maps frequently. They have a very handy API that makes their software easy to use interactively with other software programs. I have several friends who did seminal work on this code and I think they did a great service to the world with their work.

    As Claudia mentions, the data is not usually anything close to real time.

    Also I am not 100% certain about this but based on other lawsuits against Google Earth, I believe that that use by the city of these maps to proactively track unpermitted building would violate Google's usage and privacy agreements.

    (It would basically not be ethical for Google to allow their software to be used by cities to snoop on citizens. This is basically the same sort of thing that has so many people up in arms about the Patriot Act.

    I don't have strong opinions either way about the YOrk project but I do have strong opinions about personal privacy.

    Thank God I live in a Nation where my goverment does not have the right to snoop on my back yard.

    I don't mean to offend anuyone... but think about what it means in terms of personal privacy when govt agencies start proactively looking into your back yard. I just personally think to use this software in that way would be terribly unethical.
