Tuesday, July 20, 2010

FREE Stuff! What A Nice Idea!

I drove through the Narcissa gate this overcast afternoon around 2 p.m. on my way home, and right after the first turn, I slowed down, stopped and then backed up to get a better look at what was going on right side of the road beside the hillside lot that has been cleared, gently landscaped and turned into something of a quiet retreat in the last couple of years.

What caught my eye first was a lovely bassinet, just sitting there, along with a giant hassock, some wicker furniture, an upright vacuum cleaner and a bunch of boxes that appeared to be full of unknown goodies.

The next thing I saw was Ronnie Schnel, carrying another box and she said no, they weren't moving. They're just "moving some stuff," and they decided that they would offer it free to anyone who wanted it.  "I did this once before" she said. "I put up a sign and went up to the house for lunch and when I came back, it was all gone."

She says that she hopes that will happen again but if it doesn't, she'll give what's left over to Goodwill. "But I'd rather have Portuguese Bend residents have it if they want it." she said.

 I told her I might write about it in this blog and she warned that "it might all be gone by the time you do."  That's a possibility. But I still think that it's worth writing about. Good neighbors make good stories.

1 comment:

  1. You may laugh but over a year ago these same residents put out a lovely black buffet hutch, my daughter was setting up house in her own place so we loaded it up in my car! She loves the piece in her home, thank you to the Schnel family!
    Claudia Gutierrez
