Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Is Anybody There? Does Anybody Care?

If the RPV City Council judges public interest in an issue by the number of warm bodies that occupy seats at the council meetings, then they must feel that absolutely no one in the community cares about item 16 on last night's agenda: "Potential Impact Resulting from Proposed Class C Airspace Designation Surrounding the Long Beach Airport."

Not one person from Portuguese Bend was at the meeting. Except me.

And when the mayor asked if anyone had signed up for public comments, the response from the clerk was "no."

Maybe you were watching the council meeting on tv at home. If so, you saw and heard the presentation about how this will impact our area, increasing air traffic (and resulting noise) over Torrance and RPV four fold, increasing air pollution, and raising issues of safety for both pilots and residents.

If you didn't watch it on tv, you can watch the re-run of the meeting on the RPV website. 

And if you simply don't care about this issue, then in a couple of years, when noise and air pollution around here increase, and your kids get asthma, and you can't hear yourself think, don't moan to your neighbor that nobody ever tells you what's going on.

All I can think of is that famous quote, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." The exact words, and even the source of the quote, are a subject of dispute, but the thought still works for me.
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  1. I already sent a letter to the FAA. I wondered if attending the council meeting could help ... since it seems to be out of the city's control? Can the city actually prevent this?

  2. The city council did actually vote to oppose this and hired some consultants to research the effects. I'm still not sure whether they have any say in the matter. Does anyone know how that works?

  3. The council agreed that it would send a letter to the FAA voicing its opinion on the issue and in addition, the city attorney will send a letter focusing on the technical issues involved. Other cities and concerned organizations, as well as private citizens, have or will voice their concerns, too. How much weight this will have in the final decision is not clear.

    As far as the lack of physical "seats in the seats" at the Monday council meeting, I always think that letters are nice, but when council members have to look their constituents in the eye and listen to them speak, they really have to pay attention.

    I'm delighted that some people sent in letters before the meeting. (I was one of them.)
    By the way, if you sent your original comments, in triplicate, to Clark Desing, Operations support Group, AJV-W2 Western Service Area, Air traffic Organization Federal Aviation Administration 1601 Lind Avenue, SW Renton, WA 98057, the city's aviation consultant suggests that you send a copy of those comments to William C. Withycombe Western-Pacific Region Regional Administrator Federal Aviation Administration P.O. Box 92007 Los Angeles, CA 90009-2007.

    And even if you already sent in comments, the council is suggesting that those who wish to express their opinions on this matter should write directly to the city, (preferably to the attention of Dennis McLean, Director of Finance & Information Technology) by emailing City staff will attach all these letters to its public comment letter it sends to the FAA on September 21.

    The city will use its Aircraft Noise listserver to give citizens additional information on this issue as it become available. If you're not signed up for the listserver, do so now.
