Saturday, October 2, 2010

Flyers and Letters to the Editor Don't Do It For Me; I Hope Monday's Board Meeting Clears Up My Confusion

I am really looking forward to Monday's PBCA Board meeting, particularly the part where neighbor and Planning Commissioner Jim Knight and a representative from Marymount College discuss Proposition P. 

I gather, from the proliferation of Pro and Anti Prop P signs in our neighborhood, that many neighbors have made up their minds on this issue. However, I'm still confused and I'm hoping to get enlightened Monday.

In general, I tend to be pro-education and I think that a college is a great addition to the community. I've read the news stories and letters to the editor in the PV News, and I've read all the mailers that have arrived in our mailbox, but I still don't feel as if I really understand the issue. 

A recent telephone call from a Marymount booster did not clarify things at all. 

"Ring, ring."


"Hi. I'm calling about Proposition P. Are you familiar with it?" a cheerful woman's voice asked.

"As a matter of fact, I've just been reading about it in the paper, so I sort of know what it's about but I do have a few questions," I replied.

"Well, then you know that voting for Prop P will give the community a library, a gymnasium and all sorts of other facilities that will be open to the public," she enthused.

"But I thought that the city had already approved that," I replied. "I thought that the major issue here was dorms."


"Isn't that right?" I asked. More silence. 

I continued: "I think your approach isn't quite honest. You're telling me all about the things we're going to get  if I vote for Prop P, but I thought that those things had already been approved by the city. Isn't that right?"

The next thing I heard was "click." She hung up.

The pro-Prop P flyers are equally unhelpful.  The latest one features a local father  and five-year soccer coach telling me that if I vote for Prop P my kids will get new playing fields, at no cost to the taxpayer. But none of the changes approved by the city called for any tax money in the first place.

So I'm still confused. I thought the issue was dorms.

I could use some explanation pro and con, in words of one syllable, from both sides so that I can understand the issue and make an educated decision when it comes time to vote. I'm hoping to get that Monday. 

See you there? Ladera Linda. 7 p.m. 
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